Razorback Slicer
Razorback Slicing Lines
This is our new line of slicers that we have set up and programmed with allen bradley controls and rockwell automation controls. By implementing these controls it allows our machines to control system to be supported and serviced by any authorized AB service center in the world.
These Machines are designed to run at 1000 rpm but are variable up to 1800 rpm. Typical Production on these machines are listed below however they are capable of running much more depending on the setup and efficiency of the operation.
Bulk Slicing: 3,200-4,000 lbs per hour
Stack Pack Slicing: 2,200-3,500 lbs per hour
Layout Slicing on Paper: 1,300-1,800 lbs per hour
Slicing Controls:
These Machines are programmed to run bulk,stack pack and layout. The controls are designed to control movements of the slicer and take away conveyor. by controlling the movements and precision you will achieve the following:
Control Product Thickness
Control Spacing of slices
Control groups and counts
Elimination of sliver slices on first and last slices